Side Kick and Block
- Start Position:
- Face front, feet a little wider than shoulder width, fists up at defense position in front of face.
- Description:
- Alternating low side kicks with same side low front blocks.
- Sequence:
- Left side kick with left low front block
- Return to start position
- Right side kick with right low front block
- Return to start position
- Left side kick with left upper side block
- Return to start position
- Right side kick with right upper side block
- Return to start position and repeat above sequences for count of 16
- Notes:
- Don't hyper-extend the knees during kicks.
- Keep kicks no higher than knee height.
- Rotate the hips slightly forward to avoid lateral knee pressure.
- Toes will point downward naturally if hips are slightly rotated forward.
- Don't force the toes down to avoid torquing the knees.