Boxer and Split-Jab
- Start Position:
- Right Hand fighting stance.
- Description:
- Boxer's Stance, up on toes. Do 3 left Jabs to the front then rotate to the left 90 degrees and do 1 left Jab to the left side.
- Sequence:
- Front Left Jab.
- Return
- Front Left Jab.
- Return
- Front Left Jab.
- Rotate left 90. Now your facing to your the left.
- Front Left Jab.
- Rotate 180. Now your facing to your rear. (Right side of the room).
- Front Right Jab.
- Return
- Front Right Jab.
- Return
- Front Right Jab.
- Rotate right 90. Now your facing to your right.
- Front Right Jab to the left side.
- Notes:
- Don't hyper-extend the knees during kicks.
- Keep kicks no higher than thigh height.
- Don't hyper-extend the elbows during jabs.