Roundabout and Jab

  • Start Position:
    • Right Hand Fighting Stance.
  • Description:
    • Boxer's Stance, up on toes. Do left Jabs for a count of 8 to 16 then rotate on the down count so that your now in the Left Hand Fighting Stance and do right jabs. Continue the same for 8 counts then rotate again to the left. Continue until you are back around to the starting position.
  • Sequence:
    1. Left Jab.
    2. Return
    3. Left Jab.
    4. Return
    5. Left Jab.
    6. Return
    7. Left Jab.
    8. Rotate 90 degrees to the Left in a Left Hand Fighting Stance.
    9. Right Jab.
    10. Return
    11. Right Jab.
    12. Return
    13. Right Jab.
    14. Return
    15. Right Jab (repeat above until you are at the starting position).
  • Notes:
    • You can rotate in either position with this one and even do a 180 reverse.
    • Don't hyper-extend the knees during kicks.
    • Keep kicks no higher than thigh height.
    • Don't hyper-extend the elbows during jabs.